Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scenes of Suffering in Sri Lanka

A serious media report has surfaced from the UK's Channel 4 on the horrendous situation faced by Tamil civilians incarcerated in make-shift camps in Sri Lanka. Scenes of malnutrition and illness in dire conditions.

The footage, which includes images of naked, dead Tamil men curled up on muddy ground after being allegedly executed, is hotly contested by Sri Lankan authorities and steadfastly substantiated by War without Witness, the outfit credited with gathering the footage on mobile phones. The images were reportedly shot two weeks ago in Vavuniya, northern Sri Lanka, where some 200'000 uprooted Tamils are interned.

In other developments a senior UN official, James Elder, has been tossed out of Sri Lanka after irking the Sri Lankan authorities with his pointed public criticism. Meanwhile, at UN HQ, in what was claimed to be a statement 'slamming' the Sri Lankan authorities over the expulsion, we were treated to this piece of verbiage: "The Secretary-General strongly regrets the decision of the Sri Lankan government to expel James Elder".
This is an issue worth following in our opinion given: the interesting mix of new technologies being used to counter the official truths of a government at war; rare outspokeness and banishment of a UN diplomat; a leading, independent, foreign broadcaster leading the fray to get to the truth about the apparent suffering that continues in Sri Lanka despite the narrative that would have us believe that the war is over and peace has broken out. A real-time tale on the adage: the first casualty of war is truth.


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